Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Practice What You Preach

Okay, so I did not get to my appointment with M2's hair. I just simply ran out of steam. Since I have M1 on the books for this weekend, that means I have to squeeze in M2. My go-to hair style for a time crisis is the AFRO-PUFF!! I plan on washing and putting M2's hair into afro puffs at my earliest convenience. If I can get that done tomorrow, I can do a 2 week style on her later this weekend. As for M1's appointment, I will shampoo and condition her hair Friday night and style on Saturday morning. I probably will do a 2 week style on M2 after I get M1 washed and conditioned Friday night. Maybe one day I'll practice what I preach!


Michelle Pierce said...

So what happened? Did you get any hair done this weekend?
Inquiring minds want to know.....

Paula Mason said...

Got M2 washed and a temporary style. That's all I got done.