Sunday, January 27, 2008

Product Review-ORS Olive Oil Oil Moisturizer

I have a 9 year old daughter with coarse, fine hair. My 2nd daughter has THICK, cotton-y soft hair. My baby girl has wavy, thin, fine hair. For the baby, I can just wet a wash cloth, run it over her head and brush it into submission easily. But for the other two, let's just say it requires elbow grease and an appointment on my palm pilot! The 2 oldest have so much hair that I have to schedule their hair washings/stylings to make sure they don't have to occur in the same.....WEEKEND. Yes, I said the same weekend, not the same day. So, I actually use my palm to schedule who's turn it is to get washed and styled. And I say wash and style together because any style that I do after washing is done to last 2 weeks. With 3 girls, plus my own hair, I don't have the time to comb all that hair daily or semi-daily!!! Now, on to the product review...

I recently used a bottle of Organic Root Stimulator Olive Oil-Oil Moisturizer. I has no petroleum, mineral oil, or beeswax. I has worked marvelously on the "juice sucking" hair of my big girls. It is definitely a low cost alternative to the Carol's Daughter Hair Milk. I love the hair milk but with the prices, I can't afford it for all of our heads. I did 2 strand twists on my 2nd daughter a week ago and they are still shiny. (a feat in itself!) I did the "style of the month" on my oldest's hair using the ORS and her hair is shiny and smooth. I cornrowed it wet and was concerned about frizzing, but the ORS held it down perfectly. So, if you have a thirsty head in your house, give the Olive Oil Moisturer a try. I'm sure it would work well if you have a little boy with hair in need of moisture as well. Have a great week!

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